EASPD – Employment for all – award

Pentru Voi Foundation was selected by the Grand Jury of EASPD – Employment for all – award as one of the ten best practices at international level who have an outstanding level of quality of care and provision of working opportunities and career programs to persons with disabilities.

Furthermore, Pentru Voi is the only organisation from Eastern Europe among the 10 finalists of which the Grand Jury will select 3 to be be presented at the conference on employment in Istanbul. We are happy that the quality of our work is being continuously recognised.

Below you can find a list with the ten best practices / in alphabetical order – that have been selected for the award publication. 

Orchardville Society, Northern Ireland, UK                                                     

Ministère du Travail et de l’Emploi, Luxembourg

Pameijer, Netherlands

Passwerk cvba met so, Belgium                                                                             

REPSOL, S.A.., España

Project SEARCH, United States of America

Institut für Sozialdienste Vorarlberg gemGmbH, Austria

Caritas for people with disabilities, Austria

Foundation “Pentru Voi”, Romania

Oregon Vocational Rehabilitation, United States of America